By Fern Tausig
On Your Mind

Fern Tausig
Every day I get calls asking me this question. By the time someone calls me they have suffered, either physically or mentally, for years, been medicated unsuccessfully for too long, or are at their wits end and don’t know what else to do.
Why wait? If you’re feeling anxious and out of control and that is creating other negative thoughts and behaviors, use hypnosis to get the help you need.
The power of the brain is incredible. Because of the science of the mind, we know how to help you make positive changes to improve your quality of life without unnecessary medication.
According to Psychology Today, hypnosis has been used instead of anesthetics to decrease pain and anxiety before and after surgery. “It also seems to boost healing from many conditions, including epilepsy, neuralgia, rheumatism, and skin conditions. The physiological and neurological changes that occur under hypnosis are similar to the self-healing placebo effect – a case of mind over matter.”
It’s never too late to change. The brain has neural plasticity, meaning it can restructure or rewire itself when it recognizes the need for adaption. It can continue developing and changing throughout life. With a little effort you can rewire your brain. It’s done with mindfulness and hypnosis. When used together, the results are remarkable.
Sometimes we don’t realize how easily our mind changes or how often. Think about things that used to matter to you and don’t anymore. Think about how you have grown and matured over the years, and you will understand this neural plasticity. Think of how often you have made up your mind to do something and nothing could get in your way.
Learning to use the science of your mind can help you accomplish goals that you have almost given up on. Even the voice in your head telling you you can’t do something is just a belief and can be changed. The power is there, the science is real; you just need to use it.
I recently worked with a man who tried everything to stop smoking. He spent time and money as well as sleepless nights, due to the reaction to the medication he was prescribed, before using hypnosis to become a non-smoker in one session. I worked with a young woman who was devastated after a breakup and felt like her world had collapsed. After a few sessions she was healing and ready to get on with her life.
The only brains that can’t change are those that won’t change. Are you ready for a change?
Fern is a certified hypnotist, lifecoach and health educator. She can be reached at
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