By Trish Pearson
Insure Your Future

Trish Pearson
This is the time of year when people who are on individual insurance plans through Access Health can enroll in a plan for 2024. For those who are already enrolled in a plan, it is time to renew. And for those who missed the deadline or lost insurance in 2023, this is the time to reenroll.
The open enrollment for Access Health plans is Nov. 1 to Dec. 15 for a Jan. 1 effective date. Open enrollment will end Jan. 15 for 2024 unless you qualify for a special enrollment period.
The rates have increased slightly, but so have the tax credits. The net increase is relatively small unless there is another change such as income, household size or number of people needing insurance. Those on HUSKY are also receiving renewal notices that may require action. There are deadlines for all of these plans.
How do you know what you have to do? If you are on an Anthem or Connecticare plan through the exchange you should have received a notice from Access Health in late October. This notice restates the plan you currently have as well as the 2023 premium and tax credit. It also indicates the premium for 2024 and the estimated tax credit based on current income.
When you receive this notice you should do three things:
1) Confirm that the information on the current application is still correct. Will your estimated income be more or less in 2024? Is the household size still the same? Is there a household member who is no longer a dependent of the main subscriber?
2) Determine the net premium for next year by subtracting the advanced premium tax credit from the full premium.
3) See if you need to provide any additional documentation in order to renew for 2024. If you did not receive a renewal notice, you should contact Access Health or log into your account. The notice was sent to whatever address is on file. If you moved and did not inform them, the notice might not reach you in time.
The insurance companies may also send you information about next year. However, all renewals have to be done through Access Health.
There are three ways to renew:
- Log into your access health account, choose “Renew/Report a Change” and follow the prompts. You can stay on the current plan or make a change at the end of the application. Be sure to review the income information and make sure it is accurate.
- Call Access Health and they can help you renew your current plan and record any changes. They cannot advise you on other plans and will refer you to a certified broker.
- Contact a certified broker who can walk you through the renewal process and explain your options for other plans.
The most important thing is not to ignore the notice from Access Health. If you go beyond the Jan. 15 deadline for enrolling you risk not having insurance for 2024, which is a risky business.
Trish Pearson is a licensed independent insurance agent and certified long term care specialist. Contact her at 203-640-5969 or