By Michele Tenney
Here’s To Your Health

Michele Tenney
I wrote a column a while back about the back injury I suffered and what I was doing to build myself back from “broken.” I am a “why” person. I need to know “why” to truly digest things and to help things make sense to me. Perhaps that’s why I was never really good at math. The answer was always just because that’s the way it is.
In desperation to discover the why of how this injury occurred without a fall, without an accident and being a fit and healthy person, I discovered the one and only legitimate answer. Lack of self-care. Our grandson was in the ICU for eight weeks, during six of which he was on a ventilator. We were taking care of his sister while he was there. That’s what families do. We love each other so we dive in, support each other and get what needs to be done.
Of course, overuse was a part of it, because taking care of a 2-year-old can wear one down. However, I was still not being intentional about self-care. By the grace of God and some amazing doctors, our grandson came home after eight long weeks. The first time I picked him up and was able to hold and kiss him was an emotional moment.
Before you know it, life starts to move on. A week later I wound up “broken.” I feel like most women go through stress by pushing through. Then all of a sudden, when we’re not stressed anymore, we realize how stressed we actually were.
Stress does horrible things to our bodies. It causes major inflammation, wrecks our sleep, adds weight to our bodies and so much more. Yet we just accept it rather than doing something intentional about it.
A couple months ago I got invited to a Facebook group encouraging one another to get in 10,000 steps a day. I joined this group at the later end of my recovery and found it to be fun, supportive, motivating and helpful in accepting the days I just didn’t make the 10,000 steps.
Last week a questionnaire went out to the group asking what our favorite nine types of rest are. Time away, connection to art and nature, solitude to recharge…however, number six stumped me – a break from responsibility. I’m thinking “oh no, I could never do that.” So I mentioned I would feel guilty.
I got a response that gave me the “why.” I don’t need to feel guilty prioritizing myself when possible. For example, if my family is out, I can lay down and read rather than do the dishes or housework. Yes, sometimes I do that. But perhaps maybe not enough. I do prioritize my workouts as me time, and that falls under the break from responsibility category too.
Self-care is crucial to our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. I have now determined to take at least 15 minutes per day to do some self-care. Breathing exercises, praying, listening to the birds or crickets, something. I know many feel like massage therapy is a luxury or a treat, but I would encourage you to invest in it. Your body is an investment. Why save for retirement if you’re not going to be well enough to enjoy it?
We all have a story. We all have stress. We all are going through something. So reach out, take coffee time with a friend, a buddy walk on the beach, start a gratitude journal. Let’s be each other’s pieces and support one another. Here’s to your health. You got this. I believe in you and support you.
Michele Tenney is a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist & Wellness Coach. She is a member of the Orange Board of Health. She can be reached at 203-668-2969 or email at