By Mary Welander
State Rep., D-114

Mary Welander
I want to start this month off by thanking you for entrusting me with your vote. When I was first elected, I set out to represent our unique community of three towns – Derby, Orange and Woodbridge – and I remain committed to serving your needs, as well as the addition of Hamden to the 114th, in Hartford. I am honored to serve you and our town for another term.
Election Day seemed to also bring with it a drastic change in temperature that felt a lot more like winter than we have been experiencing. Despite holding off as long as we could with the warmer weather, we had to raise the thermostat in my house this month.
Touching the thermostat has become the root of predictable dad jokes, but for many families, it is an added expense that can’t always be afforded. According to the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, as of Oct. 31, the price of heating oil was nearly $6 per gallon.
Seeing this ticket price, I shared with our congressional delegation that this increased cost, coupled with the challenges many families have faced over the last few years, were a huge burden and urged that more needed to be done. I was delighted to hear that following this advocacy, and numerous outreach efforts from community members, our state’s leaders secured an additional $1 billion boost in federal funding for the Low Income Energy Assistance Program. Led by US Rep. Rosa DeLauro, this ensures that more households will receive this aid in Connecticut and families can be safe and warm during our colder months.
The application period for the 2022-2023 winter season is now open and there are a number of ways to apply:
– Apply online at
– Call the office of your local community action agency and schedule an in-person appointment. A list of phone numbers is available here:
– Download and complete the CEAP application at Mail the completed application and required documents to your local community action agency.
Applications for the 2022-2023 winter season must be received by May 31, 2023. For more information, go to or call 2-1-1.
Basic benefits toward heating bills are around $400 for the season, but can be significantly higher depending on the household’s income and number of family members. Benefits are available for households with incomes up to roughly $76,400 for a family of four.
You can also reach out for local assistance at and
I understand that the soaring energy prices continue to affect working families, which is why my colleagues and I will continue working on solutions both on the national and local stage in order to bring resources and assistance to ease the cost burden on you. Please feel free to share your thoughts with me on how we can better offer aid to working families, and if you need assistance with applying for the energy assistance program, please email me directly at