A Necessary Conversation On Education By Kathy Kennedy State Rep., R-119 While recently reading to our local students in celebration of Read Across America...
Time To Wake Up Your Houseplants By Pat Dray The Garden Spot Do you remember that March 1 was the start of meteorological spring? I...
The State Of Connecticut Has Your Back By Barbara Lehrer Real Talk When you buy or sell your property, your realtor gives you lists of rules,...
Letter To The Editor: Two High Schools Better For Milford To the Editor: Milford has two geographically balanced high schools at either end of this large city: Law and...
Prenups Aren’t Just For The Rich And Famous By Theresa Rose DeGray Bankruptcy and Divorce My parents were married right before Valentine’s Day in 1960. Their bridesmaids...
Baldwin A Milford PD Pioneer By Marilyn May “You’re going to be what?!” That was the response from Donna Lee Baldwin’s mother when she...
Bridges Healthcare Accepting Scholarship Applications Bridges Healthcare in Milford is accepting applications for the Barry Kasdan Scholarship for the pursuit of a graduate or...