By Kathy Converse Charbonneau
Orange Chamber of Commerce

Kathy Converse Charbonneau
“Together we can do great things.” — Mother Teresa
The Orange Chamber of Commerce is planning many exciting events and activities for the months ahead designed to bring our community closer. We are passionate about connecting local businesses, nonprofit organizations and residents so that we can all do great things for our town together.
On Saturday, May 28 at 10 a.m. we will be part of the Founding Day Ceremony/Bicentennial Brick Groundbreaking at the High Plains Community Center gazebo. The chamber’s groundbreaking will immediately follow the Founding Day ceremony. There will be a presentation of honorary bricks to the families of Walter “Bud” Smith (Orange Hills Country Club), George Chatzopoulos (Chip’s Restaurant) and Walter Bespuda (lifelong farmer and beloved school bus driver for the town). These three exceptional men epitomize the best qualities of true leaders and leave a legacy of making Orange a better place because of them. We invite you to join us in recognizing their contributions to our town.
On Saturday, May 28, 11 at a.m., we will host the Orange Chamber Community Art Project in partnership with Art People, LLC and the Jamie Hulley Arts Foundation. What better way to celebrate 200 years of Orange history than with a collaborative art project for the community? It is a free event where the whole family can create seed mosaics and learn about the history of farming in Orange. Once completed, the mosaics will be assembled into a large, beautiful, moveable display for the entire community to enjoy. The event is scheduled to take place at the High Plains Community Center pavilion. More details to come.
From May 28 through June 10, we will be hosting the Bicentennial Restaurant and Business Week. The Orange Chamber of Commerce and Orange Economic Development Corporation will promote restaurants and businesses that offer “Bicentennial Specials” via flyers, social media, newsletters, eblasts, our websites and press releases at no cost. The goal is for everyone to get caught up in the spirit of this historical summer.
The Deadline to sign up is April 15. Participating businesses can purchase bicentennial banners through the chamber’s new online shop to display their town pride.
Meanwhile, the Orange Chamber of Commerce has a new online store at It offers convenient and easy one-stop shopping for the chamber’s Bicentennial bricks, banners, holiday ornaments and more. You can also purchase Orange Historical Society bicentennial medallions, books and event tickets. Items are affordably priced and can be picked up with your receipt every Saturday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at the Historical Society’s Academy, located at 605 Orange Center Rd. If you have not been there, now is the time to visit with history at the forefront of the bicentennial celebration. Historical Society President Ginny Reinhard is a walking Orange history book and town treasure.
Welcome to new chamber members the Jamie Hulley Arts Foundation, Bernadette Welsh of John M. Glover Insurance Agency and Framer’s Edge Gallery & Frame, LLC.
Finally, Art People, LLC will be hosting an open house/ribbon cutting on Saturday, April 9 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at its 291 South Lambert Rd. location. There will be light refreshments and fun art activities. Check it out.
Kathy Converse Charbonneau is the executive director for the Orange Chamber of Commerce. Contact her at 203-795-3328 or