By Fern Tausig
On Your Mind

Fern Tausig
Do you have repetitive negative thoughts going through your mind? Are you always wondering about the worst that can happen? Do you feel your stinking thinking is out of control?
Then this article can definitely help you.
Have you heard the expression, “When you know better, you do better?” I believe after reading this you will know better.
Recently I have seen many clients who begin experiencing a nervous feeling in their body, usually starting with a fast heartbeat. That feeling begins a pattern of “what ifs” in the mind that is always negative. The negative thoughts increase the symptoms and a scary feeling of being out of control and in possible danger of a heart attack or something worse.
There are many simple reasons for that initial racing heart that don’t represent anything scary. Being able to identify the reason is less important than the way you respond to it.
The feeling is often a result of adrenaline being released from your adrenal glands as part of an autonomic fight or flight response to something your unconscious mind perceived as a potential danger. If you tripped, or thought about something that bothered you, or a million other possibilities, that pattern can begin.
You can just redirect your thoughts or realize it’s just a momentary feeling and ignore it.
I had a doctor tell me when I described that feeling that I had anxiety. I responded that I know what anxiety is and I don’t have it. It’s easy to label the feeling as anxiety, but it’s not necessarily the case. What is anxiety? It’s a feeling of being afraid that something may happen “if.”
A common medical response to reports of those feelings is to medicate. Medication may lessen the feeling, but it can also make it worse. There are side effects, and they’re clearly stated. If the feeling is anxiety, it can be handled alternatively without medication. If it’s not anxiety you can recognize the feeling as a false alarm and redirect your thoughts to anything else. The feeling will subside.
Remember, it’s just a feeling. Feelings aren’t things unless you make them things. Thoughts create feelings, so be mindful of the thoughts you entertain. Choose to focus on the roses and not the thorns.
You always have a choice of what to think about. If you don’t feel like you have a choice you should ask for help. You have exactly as much control as you need.
Fern is a certified hypnotist, lifecoach and health educator. She can be reached at