The Guncle By Steven Rowley By Carmela Devito Book Reviews Patrick and Sara were college friends. When Sara married Patrick’s brother, Greg, she and...
Children’s Singer Coming To High Plains Will Parker and the Make Believe Band will perform on Saturday, Jan. 20 at 1 p.m. at High Plains...
Best Reads Of 2023 By Carmela DeVito Book Reviews Every year I compose a best of list of books that I absolutely, positively,...
Tango Gala Coming To Milford New Year’s Eve Tango Sueño and the Milford Arts Council will present a concert of tango music with a touch of dance...
Milford Holding Acting Classes Milford Recreation is offering winter break acting/scene study workshops with television and film actor Kevin McCormick for kids ages...
Boston Tea Party Coming To Milford On the 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, the famous colonial protest will be reenacted by Milford’s Sons...
Orange Holiday Festivities Postponed Officials in Orange have decided to postpone the town’s annual holiday festivities until Sunday, Dec. 10. The event was...
Milford’s Lamplight Stroll Postponed Due to the forecast of rain on Friday night, Milford’s Lamplight Stroll is postponed until the following Friday, Dec....
Friends Of The Milford Library To Host Holiday Book Sale The Friends of the Milford Library will hold their Holiday Book Sale on Dec. 2 from 10 a.m. to...