Bridges To Celebrate 30 Years Of Folks On Spokes Bridges Healthcare in Milford on Sunday, Oct. 3 is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Folks on Spokes Ride...
Kennedy, Ferraro Renew Call Special Session On Juvenile Justice Reform State Reps. Kathy Kennedy and Charles Ferraro joined their colleagues Aug. 10 in backing a list of specific policies...
Sidewalk Sales Coming To Downtown Milford The Downtown Milford Business Association is hosting sidewalk sales in Milford on Saturday, Aug. 14, and Sunday, Aug. 15...
Reporter Imagines The Future Of Milford – In 1921 By Marilyn May Milford History Did you hear about the beautiful fountain with colored lights on the green, or...
Milford Columbus Committee Honors Scholarship Recipients The Milford Columbus Committee gathered at the Milford Rotary Pavilion on June 22 to honor the recipients of their...
Devon Rotary Names New Officers Devon Rotary recently installed Tracy Edwards as its president for 2021-22. Edwards has been a Milford resident for over...
Berube Running For Milford Mayor Milford Republicans have selected resident Peter Berube as their choice to unseat incumbent mayor Ben Blake in the Nov....
Milford Elks Hosting Bottle, Can Drive The Milford Elks will be hosting a bottle and can drive on Sunday, Aug. 1 from 10 a.m. to...
Republicans Endorse Smith For Probate Court Milford Alderman Win Smith was unanimously endorsed July 22 by Milford and Orange Republicans as the party’s probate judge...