Bridges Healthcare Gets Grant For Youth Substance Use Programs Milford-based Bridges Healthcare, Inc. has been awarded the Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships for Success grant through the Substance Abuse...
Ferraro, Kennedy Want Voice In State’s Pandemic Response In an effort to provide a greater voice for their constituents, state Reps. Kathy Kennedy (R-119) and Charles Ferraro...
Coldwell Makes $8 Million Sale In Orange Coldwell Banker Commercial represented the buyer of multiple units consisting of a total of 38,875 square feet at Springbrook...
Milford Schedules Fall Bulk Pickup Milford Mayor Ben Blake announced Aug. 14 that Milford’s Fall Bulk Waste Pickup Program is scheduled for September. Due to...
Milford Tax Collector Named Employee Of The Month Cory Gumbrewicz, a tax collector in Milford’s Finance Department, has been named employee of the month for August by...
St. Mary Accepting Enrollments St. Mary School in Milford is accepting enrollments for the fall, where students will be back in the classroom...
Maroney Questions UI’s Response To Isaias State Sen. James Maroney (D-Milford) submitted a letter Aug. 6 to the United Illuminating Company questioning its response efforts...
Kennedy Defends School Resource Officers State Rep. Kathy Kennedy expressed concern July 31 on federal legislation that she said would pave the way to...