Milford Digital Billboard Measure Fails By Brandon T. Bisceglia You won’t see any of those digital billboards with rotating displays along I-95 through Milford...
Milford Announces Christmas Tree Pickup, Recycling The Milford Public Works Department will pick up Christmas trees this year. However, Mayor Benjamin G. Blake is encouraging...
Milford Rotarian Receives Prestigious Award The Rotary Club of Milford has chosen its own Bill Parry III as this year’s recipient of Rotary District...
MAC Seeking Submissions For Juried Exhibit The Milford Arts Council is challenging artists to enter a juried figurative exhibit of 2D and 3D original artwork...
Beatty Joins Board Of Boys & Girls Village The Milford Boys & Girls Village announced Dec. 18 that Dr. Ellen Russell Beatty had joined its Board of...
MAC Gets State Grant For Bench Project The Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development’s Office of the Arts has awarded the Milford Arts Council one...
Extended Transfer Station Hours In Milford Ending The last full day for extended Saturday hours at the Milford Transfer Station will be on Jan. 4, when...
Transportation Plan Runs Through Milford And Orange By Brandon T. Bisceglia Gov. Ned Lamont’s plan to improve transportation systems in Connecticut runs through Milford and Orange....