Cemetery Plays To Explore Orange History The Orange Plyers and the Orange Historical Society are presenting a collaborative effort to celebrate Orange’s bicentennial, a Readers’...
Summer Concerts Coming To HPCC In Orange Orange Community Services will host four summer concerts throughout July and August at the High Plains Community Center gazebo....
OCC Golf Tournament Coming Up The Orange Congregational Church golf tournament is taking place on Friday, July 15 at 9 a.m. (8.15 a.m. for...
Pack 922 Busy In May Orange Cub Scout Pack 922 held their annual spring campout over the weekend of May 21 at Kettletown State...
Orange Farmers’ Market Approaching The Orange Community Farmers’ Market will kick off its season on June 30 and run each Thursday until Sept....
Amity Budget Passes The third time seems to have been the charm. Unofficial results from the June 14 Amity budget referendum show...
Amity Pushes Back On Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Opponents The Amity Regional School District is pushing back on claims that it should not hire a diversity, equity and...
Amity Budget Request Decreases After Two Failed Referendums After two failed referendums, the Amity Regional School District has reduced its requested budget for the 2022-2023 fiscal year...
Kennedy, Ferraro Holding Orange Cookout State Reps. Kathy Kennedy (R-119) and Charles Ferraro (R-117) will be holding a cookout and post-session legislative update on...
Orange Elementary Schools Names Student Awardees Orange Public Schools has announced the recipients of the Connecticut Associationof Public School Superintendents’ Superintendent/Student Recognition Award:from The Peck...