Have Your Say On The State Budget By State Rep. Pam Staneski This week Gov. Dannel P. Malloy released his proposed state budget adjustments, which includes...
Straight Talk On Tolls By State Rep. Pam Staneski The hot topic right now at the State Capitol is tolls. Since Gov. Dannell...
Slossberg Disappointed By Bonding For Silver Sands Senator Gayle Slossberg, D-Milford, released the following statement today regarding the State Bond Commission’s decision to approve over $9.1...
Letter to the Editor: Selectman Thankful To Voters To the Editor, I would like to thank the many residents who took the time to come out and...
Capitol Corner w/ Rep. Pam Staneski: Higher Education and Employment Advancement We are half way through the session and the activity in the State Capitol has picked up. The same...
Capitol Corner w/ Rep. Pam Staneski: Human Trafficking Milford and Orange provide many opportunities for visitors to enjoy shopping, good food and entertainment. We are also blessed...
Capitol Corner w/ Rep. Themis Klarides: Forward Thinking For many people, our in boxes fill up daily with invitations and requests to participate in worthy causes, to...
Capitol Corner w/ Rep. Pam Staneski: Battling the Opiate Epidemic Today I joined House members in a unanimous vote to pass a bill that will allow any licensed health...
From Where I Sit: Budget Heading To Town Meeting Unless Successful Petition Presented In general, I have found that most of the business taken up at our regular Board of Selectmen meetings...