Jim Zeoli, R, Incumbent Election Profile James Zeoli, the incumbent Republican first selectman, is seeking his fifth term as the town’s leader. The 54-year-old began...
Chamber Debate Proves Eye-Opening In one question to his opponent, Republican four-term incumbent First Selectman James Zeoli made his case for reelection. Zeoli...
Orange PD Has Been Busy – Weapons Charges On Oct. 20 Mathew Hickman, 24, Hamden was charged with possessing weapons in a motor vehicle, reckless endangerment 2nd...
Elderly Resident Scammed Asst Police Chief Tony Cuozzo released the following information. On Tuesday 10-22-2013 this Department received a complaint from an...
All Aboard! The New Haven & Derby Model Railroad Club held its annual model train show this past Sunday at High...
The Butler Offers a Glimpse Into the Past Rated: 8/10 Starting in the middle of the prohibition era and ending with Obama’s inauguration, Lee Daniel’s The Butler...
Harvest Dinner Have a great time Nov. 9, 6:30 p.m. to- Midnight, at the Harvest Dinner Dance presented by the Orange...
Empty Bowls: Fundraiser Coming Up At Amity On Thursday, Nov. 22, the National Art Honor Society in partnership with the Jamie Hulley Arts Fund, the Amity...
Volunteers Doing: “That’s The Gift…Volunteering” Jody Daymon and her husband, Bill, have been volunteering with the food operations at the Orange Country Fair since...
Breast Cancer Survivor, Nutritionist To Speak The Women’s Leadership Network of Orange and Stony Creek Urgent Care will be featuring Breast Cancer Survivor Mary Ann...