Eat Drink and be Merry Imagine finding a friendly eatery and gathering establishment where you can bring your family, feel comfortable: and enjoy great...
Room 911: No, I’m Right The appointment time had come to meet Murray and Phyllis Bickerson, who I now thought of as the Bickering...
What’s Happening An artist is paid not for his labor, but for his vision – Whistler AMITY HIGH SCHOOL CREATIVE THEATER...
Daffodils, Daffodils And More Daffodils – Finally! It would seem and one would hope that spring has finally come out of hibernation and blessed us with...
The Woodward House A Treasure in Fine Dining This particular Saturday, we decided to treasure hunt through the many fine vintage and antique shops located in Southbury,...
Graduation and Internships Internship Breakfast Students and mentors gathered in the cafeteria of Amity on Monday, June 17 for the Internship Breakfast.{{more}}...
Poet’s Corner: A Community That Lifts Up Its Children in Odes of Joy I once read a historian who said that a civilization will be remembered by how it loved its children....
Room 911: Fifty Shades of Purple This time when I drove up to Troublesome Road, only Mrs.Bickerson came out to greet me.{{more}} Inquiring about her...
What’s the Buzz on Bees SUMMER and the living is easy and hot! But unfortunately not so easy for the important honeybee. It’s a...
Gear Up From the Floor Up We are all subject to gravity and therefore are floor bound. Let’s deal with it. What can we do...