The Breakfast Nook This was our second time visiting the Breakfast Nook located at 448 Washington Ave, North Haven.{{more}} The Breakfast Nook...
Real Talk: Stepping Down in Size There comes a time when the home is too large for the family in it and the thought of...
Real Talk: House vs Condominium The question of whether to purchase a small home or a condominium is coming up more and more lately....
Room 911: We Did It! We Did It! Today was the last appointment that I would have with Mrs. Windbotham. I knew that we would need to...
Reiki – What Is It? This column is for those who may have heard of Reiki, but do not know exactly what it is....
Garden Club Flower Show – A Blue Ribbon Event The Garden Club of Orange’s very own Flower Show, “Let’s Celebrate The Arts!” was held June 1, and was...
Summer and the Time is Right … “For dancing in the streets” OK boomers we all remember that oldie moldy but goldie.{{more}} Let’s get outside with...
Real Talk: “In the Ground” Observations We all know that we have septic systems in our yards and we have discussed this in previous articles.{{more}}...
The Importance of Staying Involved We all have heard from the experts about how friends, relationships, hobbies, volunteering, and involvements contribute in a huge...
Versatility of Coconut Oil One ingredient used in abundance here is coconut oil.{{more}} It is one of the main ingredients in our soap...