By Trish Pearson
Insuring Your Future

Trish Pearson
These are unusual times which have created unanticipated issues. The following are points related to the coronavirus, insurance coverage and a few editorial comments.
Copays: Most insurance carriers have waived copays for provider visits and virus testing. You will still need a doctor’s order to be tested. There are many articles online that describe symptoms and when to be tested. The main symptoms to watch for are a fever (greater than or equal to 100 degrees) and a cough or shortness of breath.
Call your primary care provider for information regarding local testing locations. You will need an order from your primary care physician to be tested for COVID-19. If you do not have a primary care provider or another physician who you regularly see and you have the symptoms of COVID-19, please go to an urgent care center or to a federally qualified health center to get a doctor’s order to be tested.
If your plan has a telehealth option, use it. It is a safe and effective way to communicate with a medical provider. Who knew FaceTime could be so valuable? If you need assistance with how to use this service, call the customer service number on your membership card or go online and search your insurer’s website.
If your plan has an over-the-counter medicine benefit, it will cover gloves and masks. Most carriers are allowing prescription refills ahead of schedule. The cost should be the same as you normally pay. If that is not the case, contact member services and request a refund. Home delivery at no additional cost is also available from most pharmacies. If your regular pharmacy does not offer it, request that your prescription be switched to one that delivers and is a preferred pharmacy for your insurance. You can call or go online to confirm the preferred pharmacies in your plan.
Gym not open? Silver Sneakers is available online. Go to for information on daily classes. Many YMCAs and exercise centers are offering online exercise classes. Always wanted to try Zumba, but not with others? Now is your chance. Try to take a walk daily, plant something, and learn how to Zoom (not the exercise, but the online meeting).
Many insurance carriers are offering interactive webinars and conference calls where you can get the latest information as well as ask questions. Elected officials are doing updates on a regular basis. Listen to your voicemail, as they generally notify constituents ahead of time.
Finally, don’t panic or pay unless you are satisfied that it is correct. Unfortunately, there are people who will take advantage of the fact that we are stuck at home and answering the phone. If it doesn’t sound right, don’t “press one to be connected.”
Stay safe, care for one another, eat right, and keep moving.