Connor Deane
Orange selectman Connor Deane, who challenged first selectman Jim Zeoli in November for the town’s top job, announced today that he is resigning from the Board of Selectmen and the Orange Democratic Town Committee.
“As you know, my goal was to be First Selectman, a full-time paid position,” Deane wrote in a letter to the ODTC. “I’m incredibly proud of our campaign and did win a seat on the Board of Selectmen but that position is a volunteer position whose schedule does not fit with my current schedule of running a business that has primarily evening hours. In addition, the Town of Orange has limited comfortable housing options for young people. Our current apartment situation was less than ideal and unfortunately, nothing better is available in the same price range. This is forcing Natalie and I to move out of town.”
Zeoli will have the opportunity to appoint another Democrat to fill the vacancy on the Board of Selectmen.
Deane said the decision was not an easy one for him, and that he will continue to support Orange Democrats however he can.