DeLauro Statement on Donald Trump’s Plan for Family Leave

WASHINGTON, DC — Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) today released the following statement regarding Donald Trump’s new campaign proposal to guarantee six weeks of paid maternity leave.


“Donald Trump’s campaign proposal for paid maternity leave is a positive step forward for the GOP and I appreciate him joining the conversation. However, we need to ensure that his plan is more than just talking points. While Donald Trump has rightly identified the need, his proposal for paid leave is limited and miscalculates what working families face when serious family and medical needs arise. In 2016, we should expect to see these proposals front and center in the presidential campaign, but there is only one candidate who has put forth a sound plan and that is Secretary Clinton.

“While Secretary Clinton has spent her entire career fighting for families and children, Donald Trump has built his business on the backs of hardworking mothers and fathers. Secretary Clinton understands what new parents face and believes in giving every worker 12 weeks of paid family leave, while Donald Trump has called a worker’s pregnancy ‘an inconvenience for a business.’ Donald Trump consistently puts his own interests before his workers’. Do not be mistaken, you can put lipstick on a pig, but Donald Trump does not put working families first.”

Earlier this Congress, DeLauro introduced the Family and Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act to establish a national paid family and medical leave insurance program. DeLauro’s plan would offer the same benefits as Secretary Clinton’s plan, which is 12 weeks of guaranteed paid family leave for workers during life events, including the birth or adoption of a child and a caring for a sick family member, including a spouse or parent.