The Milford-Orange Times is continuing its election-year tradition of asking the candidates to respond to questions about what they would do for the residents of Milford and Orange if voters elect them. This special section features the responses from the candidates. Election Day is Nov. 8.
Daniel Cowan is the Republican candidate for state representative in District 114.
Question: What do you think the greatest challenges for the district will be in the next two years, and how will you help address them?

Daniel Cowan
Daniel Cowan is a Republican running for the seat held by incumbent Democratic state Rep. Mary Welander.
Cowan did not respond to requests for a response.
According to the “basic principles” statement on his campaign website, “Our state government must begin to work for the people who pay for it rather than the bureaucrats and career politicians that control it.”
“I am committed to creating a vibrant and affordable Connecticut where kids can thrive, adults can make decisions for themselves and their children, and the previous generation is respected and cared for.”
“This November offers voters a unique opportunity to elect a new legislative majority and new legislators like myself that will challenge the status quo and transform the state government that has become too big, too expensive, and too intrusive in our lives.”
Other issues Cowan’s website highlights are the creation of a “parents bill of rights,” emphasizing local control over zoning, tackling crime, auditing the executive branch and tax relief.