The Milford-Orange Times is continuing its election-year tradition of asking the candidates to respond to questions about what they would do for the residents of Milford and Orange if voters elect them. This special section features the responses from the candidates. Election Day is Nov. 8.
Mike Smith is the Democratic candidate for state representative in District 119.
Question: What do you think the greatest challenges for the district will be in the next two years, and how will you help address them?

Mike Smith
The greatest challenge our community, our state and our country will be grappling with over the coming two years – and likely the next decade – is affordability. The worldwide economic volatility we have seen in the last two years is historic. Our economy is rapidly evolving, and our workforce hasn’t seen the increases in wages to keep pace with inflation. The high cost of housing, health care, and energy have left people struggling to pay the bills.
The federal government is the major controller on economic policy. However, our state has a roll to play. There are some levers lawmakers could pull that can make a difference. Engaging in sound budgeting, increasing opportunities for good paying jobs, and limiting exorbitant executive salaries of government-regulated utilities and health insurance companies can be a start. Ultimately, making Connecticut more affordable is job number one.
For example, much of my campaign has focused on access and affordability to health care. As a 14-year cancer survivor, I know the importance of quality, affordable health insurance. Too many times over the years I have heard stories about families needing to dodge collections calls for medical expenses. They had to fight insurance companies to get the care their sick child needed. In a country as great as this one, no one should be financially destroyed getting the care they need if they have the bad luck of getting sick.
On Aug. 15 of this year, I went to Hartford and waited six hours to testify before the Insurance Department, opposing the 20 percent year-over-year health insurance rate increases. Over the course of my campaign, I’ve knocked on thousands of doors and spoken to thousands of residents of our community. I have yet to meet a person who had their wages increase 20 percent over last year.
My opponent did not testify at the hearing. Instead, nearly seven days to the minute after I testified in person, at 4:27 p.m. she sent a brief email from her iPhone summarizing her position. I want to be your next state representative so I can show up and fight for you, both in our community and in Hartford.
Similarly, I am deeply concerned about the rising rates that utility companies are charging customers. I’ve read stories and seen highway billboards advertising how Wallingford has cheap electric rates because of their town-owned electric company. I looked at my UI bill and compared it to Wallingford’s. Wallingford has a two-page pdf explaining their pricing. In contrast, UI’s is 257 pages. Why is Wallingford able to describe their pricing in two pages and a big company needs over 250 to describe the same thing? Why is a small municipal electric company able to charge significantly lower electric fees with fewer power outages? We need a state representative who isn’t afraid to stand up to and ask the hard questions like this, and show up at the hearings.
Since finishing graduate school in 2010, I have worked in and around state government. I have worked in the legislature, in the governor’s office, and as a government relations professional. For the last four years, I worked for the largest trade association of small businesses in our state, CT Realtors, representing over 18,000 small business owners. My job as director of political advocacy was to plug realtors into the political process so their voices could be heard by decision makers. I’m proud of the work we were able to accomplish helping realtors advocate on behalf of their clients to reduce the barriers to achieving the American dream of homeownership.
Our community of Milford and Orange is amazing. It is why I moved back here after college and why I’m proud to be raising my daughter here. I’m running for state representative to put my knowledge and skills to good use for our community. To be your voice and advocate in Hartford. I will work hard to increase opportunities and be a relentless fighter for making our community stronger and more affordable.