The Milford-Orange Times is continuing its election-year tradition of asking the candidates to respond to questions about what they would do for the residents of Milford and Orange if voters elect them. This special section features the responses from the candidates. Election Day is Nov. 8.
Win Smith III is the Republican candidate for judge of the Milford-Orange Probate Court.
Question: What do you think the greatest challenges for the probate court will be in the next two years, and how will you help address them?

Win Smith
The biggest challenge facing the Milford-Orange Probate Court is ensuring that there is not a backlog of cases and that the docket is handled efficiently and effectively. It is important that the residents of Milford and Orange are not waiting around for months, with no action from the court, while trying to deal with emotional and sensitive matters.
We had a long time serving probate judge, Beverly Streit-Kefalas, who ran an absolutely fantastic court. What we need from our next probate judge is just that: efficiency and experience. That is exactly what I will do and what I provide to our communities. For the better part of a decade, I have been dedicating my private law practice to probate law. For years, I have been receiving probate court appointments from probate courts across Connecticut, including appointments from the Milford-Orange Probate Court while Judge Beverly presided as our judge. For years, I have handled every case from decedent estates to guardianships and conservatorships, and everything else in between. I am and always will be here for the people of Milford and Orange.
Experience is incredibly important for anyone seeking to be the Milford-Orange Probate Judge and I am the only person who is most qualified for the position. I look forward to serving my community as I have done my entire personal and professional career.