Enabling Better Breast Cancer Screening

By Themis Klarides
State Rep., R-114

themis klarides

Themis Klarides

Preventative breast cancer screenings utilizing the most up-to-date methods that capture accurate and comprehensive information and imaging is critical when assessing the health of a patient’s breast tissue. Many women are learning via a routine mammogram that if they have dense breast tissue they are in need of an ultrasound of the tissue for further examination.

Early detection of breast cancer and preventative care can save lives and has the potential to save patients from incurring exorbitant medical expenses. Due to the density of a patient’s breast tissue, cancer can go undetected in a mammogram because the tissue density can mask abnormalities. This is one of the reasons why women with dense breast tissue are at an increased risk to develop breast cancer.

State law requires the cost of a mammogram be 100 percent covered by insurance companies and yet did not extend the same coverage to dense breast tissue ultrasounds as a result of the mammogram findings. Many women throughout Connecticut have been foregoing the directive from their doctor due to the unexpected added costs of the ultrasound, even though the imaging was needed for a thorough evaluation of the tissue.

Up until now, ultrasound screenings requested by doctors have been subjected to deductible costs. But with the constant efforts of legislators and advocates combined, real change has taken place here in Connecticut.

A bipartisan effort for over 15 years, this long-awaited law expands health care coverage and eliminates cost sharing for patients in need of an ultrasound as a result of dense breast tissue. I am proud to have received the June 2019 Certificate of Recognition from the Radiological Society of Connecticut for outstanding leadership in health care reform and advocacy of patient protection legislation.

The passage of this law which goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2020 is a major victory in preventative health care and one we all can celebrate.

If you or a loved one is a patient with dense breast tissue, please take the necessary steps to speak to your doctor and get the breast density ultrasound you deserve.

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