By Carolina Amore
Personal Experiences

Carolina Amore
In the past few years, major developments in zero-contact services have become easily accessible. After the rise of COVID-19, these services became helpful and needed. As the world is starting to find equilibrium again after a tumultuous experience, connecting is more important than ever.
There is still fear around getting the virus and what that could mean for you or your family. Fear is a natural response to a threat; the key is not to let fear control you.
After seeing a world burdened with worry and enduring a great deal of time in quarantine, many may find themselves feeling comfortable keeping a distance. It is essential to stay safe, but it is also crucial not to lose connection to people and the world.
This time in history has stolen happiness, family and friends from some, and it has also taken the joy out of simple pleasures or possibly experiencing joy altogether.
Something as simple as having groceries or dinner delivered has eradicated simple and seemingly insignificant moments in life that used to be an outlet for connection.
Going out to dinner with a significant other or grocery shopping with family are small experiences that play a prominent role in having a whole life. There are several services available that have diminished small moments such as these and many more.
These kinds of experiences may seem insignificant when looking at the big picture. Still, it comes down to enjoying life as an individual and bonding with friends and family. Connecting to the self and others is a significant part of truly experiencing life.
Anything from food or alcohol to toothbrushes or clothing is completely accessible with the click of a button. These advances in technology and shopping can be highly beneficial, but they can also exacerbate prolonged isolation.
People typically do not like change, and quarantine was a massive change. Now people have adapted, and while many enjoy participating in activities again, many are struggling to go back out into the world as well.
If you have a hard time reintegrating into their typical life, begin with small steps. Going for a hike or taking a walk by the beach are both great ways to kickstart the beauty and excitement of life outside the house or workplace.
Another great option is going to a restaurant from which you would typically order delivery. Inviting a friend or a family member to go out and share a meal is an hour or two of your day that can make a tremendous difference in feelings of happiness and create a vibrant life.
While it has been a long time since quarantine, the effects of isolation on mental health are lingering. The healing process is not linear, and it is vital to constantly pursue ways to care for yourself as you rediscover who you are in an unfamiliar world.
Going out and trying new activities is a great start, but online support groups are also helpful. For some, taking the first step towards a new life may look like reaching out to a friend, which is more than enough to begin; as long as you take the first step, you are healing.