Film, Discussion About Children And Tech Coming In Orange

Orange Youth Services will host a showing of the film “Screenagers: Elementary School Age Edition” on Wednesday, March 12 at Peck Place School in Orange.

According to the film’s website, it addresses issues that elementary school aged kids, parents and educators face around technology, including “smartwatches in class, unhooking from and monitoring video gaming, social media pressures, exposure too young and what research shows is a healthy amount of screen time.”

The event will include a dinner at 6 p.m. and a discussion that will be co-facilitated by Orange Public Schools Social Worker Diane Downey and Orange Youth Services and Prevention Coordinator Chantelle Bunnell. It runs until 8 p.m.

The film is appropriate for families with children of any age, but parents are asked not to bring their children to the event. Child care will be available for children 5 and older through the Orange Youth Services teen representatives.

The event is free and open to the public. Advance registration is requested by March 5 by emailing or through the online registration form.

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