Officer Joseph Dempsey, Crime Prevention Officer with the Milford Police Department and Steve Wydra of Schick/Edgewell will present.
Businesses will learn to assess the risk of violence in their companies and learn what steps will have a real and lasting impact on everyone’s safety. Topics covered will include: how to plan and work with the police department, Homeland Security’s “run, hide, fight” presentation, having a written procedure, locating hiding places, shelter areas, and exits, armed intruder(s) – potential causes & signs, armed intruder concepts, explaining what to do when it happens, planning drills, and a viewing of a video on dealing with armed intruders.
The Greater Milford business community is invited to participate and can register online at or by calling the Milford Regional Chamber of Commerce at 203-878-0681. Due to overwhelming interest, a reservation for this free event is required.