By Michele Tenney
Here’s To Your Health

Michele Tenney
Every year around this time I find myself trying to encourage everyone to find balance in their festivities that include temptations to overindulge. Parties are planned around food and alcohol, and most people put on an average of 7 to 10 pounds during the holiday season.
In years past I have found that people would rather overindulge in the name of “tis the season” than heed my “all about balance” advice. You are loved regardless of what you decide, so at the very least do it with those who love you in return and do something wonderful for one person who doesn’t.
It is also with every passing year that I grow to understand the meaning of true, valuable and honored friendships. I try to believe the best in people, which sometimes can get my heart a little hurt. However, I would prefer to live my life this way rather than being skeptical and fearful. We have all been disappointed or unjustly hurt in our lifetimes. When we are under pressure is when our true character is shown.
In light of that, do something nice for a person who may not necessarily deserve it. Why? Because it’s good for your health.
An article written for the Rush University Medical Center explains the psychological benefits of giving and opens the discussion on a growing body of research that links the benefits of giving to greater health benefits. Some of those benefits are greater self-esteem and satisfaction in life, lower BMIs, lower blood pressure (which will reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke) and my favorite – lower risk of depression. Those are some amazing health benefits.
Life is about choices. So in this season of giving, give a present to yourself. Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself regardless of whether the person you’re forgiving knows it or not. Bitterness can make your bones brittle. Our emotions are directly linked to our overall health. So why not make the choice to give a gift to someone who has offended or hurt you?
I always tell my clients that we all have a story, we all have to begin somewhere, and one baby step just may change your life. Choose love, choose peace and choose to be the best, healthiest person you can be. Don’t wait for a new year’s resolution; start today. You can do this. I believe in you.
From my family to yours, merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah and happy holidays. Here’s to your health.