Governor Signs Maroney-Championed Bill For Early Dementia Detection Training

Maroney bill signing

Gov. Ned Lamont recently signed a bill championed by state Sen. James Maroney (D-Milford) that adds adds dementia training to the continuing education component for doctors and nurses in Connecticut. Contributed photo.

Legislation state Sen. James Maroney (D-Milford) championed which will ensure doctors and nurses across the state are well-equipped to detect the signs of dementia early was recently signed into law by Gov. Ned Lamont.

Maroney co-chairs the Aging Committee and said early detection is the key to helping those with Alzheimer’s and dementia lead long, comfortable lives.

“This legislation is really about people,” Maroney said. “Everyone knows someone, or even has a family member, who has been impacted by Alzheimer’s. This is especially true in Connecticut, where we have the seventh oldest population in the country. With no cure for Alzheimer’s, it is imperative that we detect the signs of this disease earlier, enabling us to improve the quality of life of those with this disease. This legislation makes great progress towards ensuring just that.”

Public Act 19-115 adds dementia training to the continuing education component for doctors and nurses in Connecticut, helping them recognize the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias in patients.

Additionally, the law authorizes an update of the Connecticut Alzheimer’s Plan, which creates the infrastructure and accountability necessary to build dementia-capable programs for the 78,000 people living in Connecticut with Alzheimer’s.

The Connecticut Alzheimer’s Association thanked lawmakers for their work on this bill. Maroney said the state’s Alzheimer’s Association has done incredible work themselves, leading to the passage of this law.

Maroney has been vocal on the need for policy to provide additional support for those battling this disease. He recently attended and spoke at an event in Milford in which June was proclaimed “Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month,” in the city.

Maroney said he knows first-hand the impact of Alzheimer’s on a family, and this legislation will extend to them the support they need.

“Alzheimer’s can be particularly emotionally challenging for the family,” he said. “My grandmother, who battled Alzheimer’s, knew her mother had it and some of her older sisters had it, too. At times, my grandmother grew frustrated, as she knew what was happening to her. However, the family often suffers greatly when a loved one has Alzheimer’s, as the patient may not be fully aware of what is happening to them.”

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