Kevin Hadlock
The Orange Democratic Town Committee has announced that Kevin Hadlock will be the 2022 O’Sullivan Award honoree. Hadlock is a long-time resident of Orange as well as a long-time member of the ODTC.
In 2015, Hadlock was named a “Living Treasure” in town. He not only serves on the ODTC but has been part of the Orange Lion’s Club for more than 20 years. He served as its president and on its board of directors.
Hadlock has also served as a youth basketball and softball coach, on the Parks & Recreation Commission, the Community Services Commission and many ad hoc town committees. In addition, he has been an active member of Holy Infant Church, including serving on the finance council.
Hadlock is also a veteran of the Vietnam War and a member of American Legion Post 127.
He raised four children with his wife of more than 50 years, Betty. The couple are active residents of Fieldstone Village.
This award is given in honor of the O’Sullivan family’s legacy of public service. The ODTC established the award to be given annually in recognition of an Orange resident for outstanding community service through their involvement in local, state or national government.
This year’s ceremony will be held March 31 at Lorenzo’s Restaurant in West Haven.
If you are interested in learning more about attending or purchasing a tribute ad, visit orangectdems.org or email Jody Dietch at JLDOrange@yahoo.com.