It’s Time To Run

By Jody Dietch
Orange Democratic Town Committee

Jody Dietch

When we talk about running, we are not talking New Year’s resolutions to get physically fit. We are talking about getting community fit. What better way to kick off 2025 than to consider a run for office and serve your hometown of Orange?

The Orange Democratic Town Committee Nominating Committee has begun meeting. Their charge is to build a slate of qualified, energetic candidates to run for office this November. Election day is Nov. 4 this year.

We just finished an election, you may be saying. True. Every year there is an election. The odd years, such as 2025, are municipal (town) elections. This is our opportunity to choose who will lead not only the town but the boards that have significant influence in determining the future of Orange.

Yes, the position of first selectman is up for reelection, as are the town clerk and tax collector. These are all paid positions. In addition, representatives will be elected for the Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance, Orange Board of Education, Amity Board of Education, Town Plan & Zoning Commission and constables, who help collect back taxes.

If you have ever even thought about it (or maybe if you haven’t), now is the time to consider a run for office and give back to Orange with your time.

What’s involved? Running for office does take time. If you are truly committed to run and make a difference, time is what you will need to commit to more than anything else.

Our Nominating Committee chair is Melissa Johnston (she is also vice chair of the ODTC). Johnston can be reached at 203-520-0331 or via email at Feel free to reach out to her to learn more. That email or phone call doesn’t commit you to anything.

The ODTC Nominating Committee is also working to schedule an information session later in February where anyone can come and learn what it means to run for office from people who have done it, do it regularly and have won their seats. Watch and OrangeCtDems on Facebook as well as the Milford-Orange Times for more information.

Have questions or suggestions? We love questions and suggestions. Reach out to Johnston or reach out to me at 203-314-9975 or via email at We look forward to working with you.

Jody Dietch is the chair of the Orange Democratic Town Committee.
