State Rep. Kathy Kennedy hosted a beach cleanup on Sept. 26 at Gulf Beach in Milford. Contributed photo.
State Rep. Kathy Kennedy (R-119) and a group of volunteers armed with masks, gloves and trash bags set out along Gulf Beach in Milford on Sept. 26 in an effort to clean up debris and litter near the shore.
“I want to thank everyone who came out and joined us for the cleanup. I was amazed that in a few hours, we were able to collect so much trash,” Kennedy said. “We all need to be cognizant of how to dispose of our trash and what it does to important natural resources.”
“As encouraging as it is to get so much cleaned up, it’s disappointing that it was there. This is our district, our beautiful shoreline, let’s work together to keep it clean,” she said.
This year the legislature passed legislation which expands the bottle deposit law in Connecticut so more plastic and glass containers are redeemable, including ‘nip’ bottles.
Wait, are nip bottles redeemable now, and at every store or bottle redemption center? They should be, because they ate EVERYWHERE! They are all up and down every street in the gutters and on lawns. If you could get 5¢ for each of them, then they wouldn’t be all over the place!
I meant “because they ARE everywhere”