House Republican Minority Leader Themis Klarides (R-114), along with state Reps. Charles Ferraro (R-117) and Kathy Kennedy (R-119) say they are disappointed with Gov. Ned Lamont’s budget proposal, calling it a direct attack on middle class families with massive tax hikes on Milford and Orange families.
Republicans claim governor’s budget proposes to raise taxes by $1.28 billion in the first year and $1.76 billion in the second year of the two-year budget cycle. Lamont’s budget does not increase the sales tax or the income tax, but does eliminate a number of tax exemptions, adds “sin taxes” on some items like vaping products and sugary drinks, and includes two options for highway tolls. The budget also moves to shift 25 percent of the teachers’ pension cost on to municipalities.
“Governor Lamont’s budget fell short of my expectations. Unfortunately, his budget did not reflect a pragmatic approach to governing, something I was hoping for with this new administration. This budget works against the Connecticut middle class taxpayer, the very people we need to keep here and help flourish. I take solace in knowing that this governor keeps not only an open door, but an open mind and will welcome further discussion on many of these budgetary items,” Klarides said.

“Going into this session, I was optimistic that the governor would do things differently, but this budget is just more of the same,” said Ferraro. “It includes tolls on cars and trucks and new taxes on everyday items we use. I look forward to getting to work to offer a budget that doesn’t do these things and provides middle class tax relief, not more taxes on the middle class.”
“On top of all these new taxes on families, the governor wants to add tolls to every major Connecticut highway to raise $800 million in revenue to the state. That money is coming out of the wallets and checkbooks of my constituents,” said Kennedy. Our towns have local budgets that are already stretched to the max and local taxpayers will suffer under this budget proposal.”

According to the lawmakers, the governor’s first proposed budget seems to tax everything that isn’t already taxed.
Lamont’s budget would charge a 1.5-cent tax for each fluid ounce of sodas, sports drinks and other sugary drinks. It would also tax bike helmets, car seats, textbooks and vegetable seeds.
Additional items that will be subject to sales tax would include some professional services, some personal services, property repairs and renovations, winter boat storage, non-prescription drugs, vehicle trade-ins, newspapers and certain magazines.
Lamont’s budget is available at portal.ct.gov/Office-of-the-Governor/2019-Legislative-Proposals.