Letter To The Editor: Blake Administration A Renaissance

To The Editor:

Recently, a friend from out of town asked me about Milford and our mayor, Ben Blake. He had heard that our mayor had facilitated four years of consecutive tax cuts. This friend was in disbelief and assumed, “Those tax cuts are great, but you must be suffering loss of services as a result.” I corrected him and went on to explain the virtues and rewards of living in Milford these days.

There is a new-found sense of pride in our community that I never experienced growing up here. Maybe I am more aware because of our school-aged kids, and how they are thriving in Milford’s schools. We are proud to show off the new fields on Orange Avenue to visiting teams and their families. And the new splash pad and revitalized Eisenhower park is truly a gem that makes this city enviable. Our streets get repaved and plowed. And if there’s a problem with any public works issues, a call to the office gets prompt attention during the Blake administration.

Weekly there’s something fun and engaging happening for the kids. Pirate Day, summer kick-off, the fishing derby, the firemen’s muster, Pumpkins on the Pier, or the touch-a-truck are just some of the choices we have every weekend to entertain our kids and impress their friends. Now I hear that there’s a big expansion underway for the kids’ section of the downtown library.

Clearly, there has been lots of press about the Milford Renaissance lately, even on a national level – and it’s not fake news. The city deserves all the positive focus we’ve received. I know I’m not alone in attributing this success to mayor Blake and his staff. Let’s vote him in for another term, and hope that he stays on for a lot longer.

Mike Lebov

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