To the Editor:
Milford has two geographically balanced high schools at either end of this large city: Law and Foran.
Every so often fancy consultants seek to break this well balanced system under the guise of “saving money” by creating one huge mega high school. In reality they are seeking new contracts, and costs to taxpayers will increase.
Former Milford Superintendent of Schools Joe Foran once told me that “a high school should not be more than 950 to 1000 students.” I wholeheartedly agree with Foran, a proponent of neighborhood schools.
Columbine was a mega high school. Troubled students can get lost in places such as Columbine.
Spending more time on school buses is a consequence when schools are consolidated away from neighborhoods. Twice as many students are able to participate in a school band, sports, newspapers, drama productions, cheerleading activities, etc. with two high schools such as Law and Foran.
It is puzzling to me why this question is even being discussed at a forum on March 1 at Foran. It has been settled policy for years. Let’s speak out against those who would profit at the expense of students.
Tim Chaucer
Milford, CT