By Charles Ferraro
State Rep., R-117

Charles Ferraro
Creating a more open and transparent government should be a priority in the 2020 legislative session. The Legislative Office Building and the State Capitol are the people’s buildings and should be treated as such.
During the legislative session, many residents throughout the state come to the LOB to meet with lawmakers, search for documents or to testify on legislative proposals. Those who come to the LOB or Capitol find that the process to testify, search for information, or even get into the building can be complicated.
For example, did you know in many committees lawmakers and commissioners get to testify before the general public? Did you know that public hearings or legislative sessions can go late into the night when most are sleeping? These are just two things that could be easily changed.
A recent article published by the Yankee Institute proposed ideas on how the legislature can be more open and transparent. Here are some of their concepts:
Do away with concept bills.
A 24-hour rule for new bills.
No more “rats” in the budget implementer.
Government officials should have their own separate hearings.
No overnight legislative sessions.
I am in favor of many of their bill proposals and believe we should be implementing them at the LOB and State Capitol. It’s time to change the way we are doing things and rebuild trust and transparency with the public.
I would like to know your thoughts about how we can make our government more open and transparent. Let me know by emailing me at If you plan on submitting testimony or decide you want to come up to the LOB or Capitol to testify or visit, please contact my office at 860-240-8700.