A bill introduced by state Sen. James Maroney (D-Milford) to ban polystyrene trays from all schools passed the Senate May 9 by a bipartisan 29 to six vote. A second bill that would require the Military Department to create a cyber technology competition also passed with unanimous support after passing with similar support in the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, which Maroney co-chairs.
Maroney introduced the polystyrene bill at the beginning of the legislative session with the help of Milford high school students who participate in his legislative internship program. He said getting this harmful material out of Connecticut schools will greatly benefit students and the state’s ecosystem.
“Thank you to Ming-May Hu and Kruttika Gopal, the two Jonathan Law High School students for bringing to proposal to me,” Maroney said. “Due to their efforts in assisting me in drafting the original language of this bill, the hard work of the Environment Committee to take this legislation on and pass it, and the state Senate’s overwhelming support of this legislation, we are closer to having safer alternatives for trays in our schools which will not put our students or our ecosystem at risk.”

State Sen. James Maroney helped usher two bills through the Senate May 9 that would ban polystyrene in Connecticut schools and establish a cyber technology competition in the Military Department. Contributed photo.
Senate Bill 229 will ban Styrofoam, the brand name for expanded polystyrene, in all Connecticut schools, colleges and universities. This material is not biodegradable and can wreak havoc on animals and sea life that might confuse the harmful material for food or shelter after it has been discarded. This bill prohibits school districts and regional school districts from entering into purchasing contracts for trays made of expanded polystyrene.
Under the bill, each school district is required to develop a plan for discontinuing the use of expanded polystyrene trays. Each plan must require the district to discontinue the use of expanded polystyrene trays by July 1, 2021.
The state Senate’s passage of this legislation comes as cities across the nation are banning this harmful material. Currently, 12 cities have expanded polystyrene bans. Maine became the first state on May 1 to ban food containers made of the non-biodegradable material.
“Today we have taken a step towards ensuring our young people and our environment are safe,” Maroney said. “Chemicals in expanded polystyrene trays can leach into food presenting considerable, serious health risks. I am hopeful Senate Bill 229 will continue to advance and become law, keeping Styrofoam trays out of our schools.”
The cyber competition established by the Military Department due to SB 953 will be used for the purpose of encouraging secondary school students to collaborate with government agencies and private industry to strengthen and secure information systems.
If enacted, the cyber competition will take place annually at the State Armory in Hartford and the Military Department will be responsible for promoting the cyber competition and reaching out to school districts throughout the state. The Military Department will also be responsible for establishing the rules of the competition.
If enacted, it will go into effect on October 1, 2019.
“This bill presents a fun and engaging method to get young people involved. Furthermore, this will also enable students to learn about cyber career opportunities as well as educational and career opportunities available from the military,” Maroney said.
Both bills await action by the State House of Representatives.