By Michele Tenney
Here’s to Your Health

Michele Tenney
A metabolic workout is a type of training that is designed to elevate your heart rate, increase calorie burn and build muscle in less time than a typical strength training session. This type of training needs to start slow, with low impact, and slowly progress into a more challenging workout over a period of several weeks. Using proper form is essential in every workout. However, in faster-paced high intensity interval training it is critical for success and preventing injury.
These types of workouts are truly designed to help create an “afterburn” effect. Oxygen burns body fat, and metabolic workouts instigate compound exercises to raise your metabolic rate during and after your workout. While resting, your body uses oxygen to burn fat – thus the term “afterburn.”
Another benefit of metabolic workouts is building lean muscle. These workouts target muscles in the upper and lower body, like chest and back muscles and legs and glutes, as well as the smaller muscle groups in the shoulders and arms. A head-to-toe metabolic workout combines cardio, bodyweight training, weight training and resistance training, which is considered circuit training and includes moving from one station to the next.
I found this method of exercise to be beneficial to my clients who are dedicated to staying in the ring for the long haul, those who may have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and those who are looking to add lean muscle for longevity of health. I have also found that my aging population clients enjoy these types of workouts, especially in a group setting that builds comradery.
I would not recommend metabolic training for anyone coming off an injury or someone new to the fitness and wellness industry.
Of course, good nutrition, proper hydration and sleep must be incorporated into this type of training. Dynamic stretches prior to the workout and static stretches post workout are a must. Articulation movement of joints will help prevent injury. Resetting ourselves to a parasympathetic state is the only way to get the maximum results from metabolic workouts.
I believe in you. You can do this. If you get knocked down, get back up again. Every day we are given a new opportunity to begin again. Here’s to your health.
Michele Tenney is a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist & Wellness Coach. She is a member of the Orange Board of Health. She can be reached at 203-668-2969 or email at