Milford Arts Council Seeking Vendors For Holiday Bazaar

The Milford Arts Council is calling on artists, artisans and craftsmen to participate in its second holiday pop-up bazaar hosted by the MAC’s Firehouse Gallery at Walnut Beach.

The bazaar will run for two weekends from Nov. 30 through Dec. 8, on Fridays and Saturdays from noon to 5 p.m. Load-in is Nov. 23 from noon to 4 p.m., and vendors must be present during bazaar hours to run sales.

The bazaar was wildly popular in 2018, with one-of-a-kind gifts of paintings, jewelry, pottery, soaps, scarves and more.

The deadline for submission is Oct. 26. Visit to submit an application.

The MAC is also looking for musicians or vocalists who want to share their talents for an hour or so on any of the bazaar dates. To volunteer, call 203–878–6647.

Specially wrapped gift memberships and gift certificates for performances and activities at the MAC and Firehouse Gallery are available at

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