Scovell. Photo courtesy of the United Presbyterian Church of Milford.
United Presbyterian Church of Milford has appointment Rev. Stephen Scovell as its new minister.
Scovell was approved at a recent congregational meeting where members voted unanimously. The congregation also thanked Rev. Carleton Giles of Milford for his two years serving the congregation during the Pastoral Nominating Committee’s search for a new Presbyterian minister.
Scovell was ordained on Sept. 20 and was officially installed on Oct. 25.
“We are very blessed to have Pastor Steve as our new minister,” said Moderator of Session Rev. Barbara Hager. “Pastor Steve will bring to United Presbyterian Church plenty of new ideas to meet the spiritual needs of our congregation and community.”
“We are so excited to become part of the family here at UPC. Jesus is the center of everything we do, and we cannot wait to experience the Lord in new ways while we serve alongside this community. I am reminded of the words found in Isaiah: ‘See, I am doing a new thing …I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.’ The past few months have certainly felt like a wilderness. But out of the dust of the wilderness, the Lord breathes new life. We cannot wait to worship with you; to walk through life with you; to partner in this new thing the Lord is doing,” Scovell said.
Scovell is a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary. As the son of a Presbyterian minister in New Jersey, he graduated from Messiah College with a bachelors degree in economics with a minor in youth ministry in 2014. Scovell’s last position was as a youth and family ministries director/contemporary music director at Thompson Memorial Presbyterian Church in New Hope, Pennsylvania, a congregation of more than 300 members. Before that he was a chaplain intern at the Trenton Psychiatric Hospital, where he fell in love with pastoral care ministry.
In addition to his work at UPC, Scovell serves as a Chaplain at St. Vincent’s Medical Center in Bridgeport. He is married to his wife, Amber, and they have one son.