An intrepid group of 20 ladies gathered together in the cold on Feb. 4, Super Bowl Sunday, to play in the Fourth Annual Milford Daisy Bowl Powder Puff two-hand touch football game at the Academy field in Milford. This game was held to raise funds for the Get In Touch Foundation, a locally-based nonprofit committed to providing breast health information to people around the world.
As the dozens of spectators can attest, the chilly weather did not dampen the enthusiasm of the players, who laughed, teased one another, and played their hearts out. Get In Touch Foundation president Betsy Nilan was in attendance, sporting her signature pink hair and coat, and showing off the non-profit’s Daisy Wheel, which is a tool showing how to perform a breast self-exam in eight easy steps.
The Daisy Bowl is the brainchild of Josie Giglione Williams of Illinois, and games benefiting the Get in Touch Foundation are held around the country. Milford’s event, organized by Shaileen Landsberg and Cathy Lang, is the largest, and has raised several thousand dollars for the Get In Touch Foundation since its beginning in 2015.

Daisy Bowl organizer Cathy Lang, Milford Mayor Benjamin Blake, Daisy Bowl organizer Shaileen Landsberg, and Get in Touch Foundation President Betsy Nilan. Photo by Deb Sisson.

Players regroup between plays. Pictured are Doreen Brosnahan Mullin, Shaileen Landsberg, Carrie Reed, and Ortal Gefen. Photo by Deb Sisson.

Players and referees gather for a photo op. Photo by Deb Sisson.