This year has become a major challenge for scouting. The COVID-19 pandemic has made meeting and scheduling events difficult, but Troop 12 in Milford has successfully stayed connected successfully so far. Scouts from Troop 12 camped at Camp Pomperaug in Union during the first weekend of November. The scouts followed all the pandemic guidelines set by the state and local council and were able to enjoy a tent camping weekend. The troop’s Senior Patrol Leader, Ben Cap, along with other leaders, helped plan and organize the weekend’s activities. The plan was to work with the newer Boy Scouts on outdoor, nature and fire-building skills. Boy Scout Troop 12, chartered by the VFW Post 7788, meets at the St. Agnes Church hall in Milford every Thursday. Scouts currently belonging to the troop are from Milford and Orange. Photo courtesy of Jeffery Cap.