By Kathy Kennedy
State Rep., R-119

Kathy Kennedy.
Before Milford and Orange residents turn their focus to the holiday season, I wanted to write a short note on the latest news from the State Capitol.
We should have all the government we need, but only the government we need. In other words, there are certain core functions of government that almost everyone can get behind – for example, education, public safety, core social services for children, seniors, the disabled, and veterans, and transportation infrastructure.
To support these core functions of government, we create special taxes and fees designed to support them. But when is enough, enough? Connecticut’s current tax policy seems to be creeping into every aspect of our lives.
Since the end of the legislative session in June there seems to be a never-ending parade of new or higher taxes every few months. In August, we had the grocery, prepared food tax and restaurant tax. In October we had the digital download tax (Netflix, iTunes, Disney+) and the vehicle trade-in tax hike ($35 to $100). Now coming up on Jan. 1 we have the new 6.35 percent sales tax on dry cleaning, parking, interior design service and safety apparel.
Dry cleaning services subject to sales and use tax include dry cleaning services, including cleaning processes that substitute for dry cleaning (such as “wet cleaning”); laundering services; and specialty cleaning services for specific types of garments and other textiles such as fur, leather, or suede garments, wedding gowns, hats, draperies and pillows.
Parking services to be taxed include metered parking, parking in lots with less than 30 parking spaces and parking in a seasonal lot.
Safety apparel to be taxed include any item of clothing or protective equipment worn by an employee for protection during the course of the employee’s employment. Previously that apparel was sales tax free.
Last, there is a new 6.35 percent sales tax on interior designers, interior design consultants, interior decorating consultants and any other person or establishment that provides interior design services.
That is why I ultimately opposed the 2019 state budget: the $1.75 billion in new taxes. Connecticut residents simply cannot afford to pay any more in an already expensive state.
Finally, I want to wish every Milford and Orange resident and their family a safe and happy Hanukah, merry Christmas and happy New Year!
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