By Michele Tenney
Here’s To Your Health

Michele Tenney
Now that spring has sprung, the early flowers and crocus are in bloom, the trees are budding and many of us are suffering from seasonal allergies.
Before you grab the latest and greatest allergy meds off the shelf, consider some other options first.
As a child I was allergic to 85 percent of what they tested on me and needed an EpiPen for my allergies to bees. I went through many years of allergy shots and no longer need to carry an EpiPen for protection against bee stings.
Eating honey can have the same effect as allergy shots because the honey carries a small dose of pollen. Honey also has been studied as a cough suppressant and has been proven to reduce inflammation as well.
Apple cider vinegar is one of the most beneficial things you can ingest. Not only does it serve as a probiotic for your gut system, which helping to boost your immune system, it helps reduce mucous production and also cleans out your lymphatic system. You can add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of hot water and add a tablespoon of honey. Squeeze a little lemon in there along with some chopped ginger and you’ve got yourself a detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, allergy-reducing cocktail.
I don’t need to tell you there are benefits to exercise. However, those who suffer from seasonal allergies should know that exercise is another great way to help reduce allergy symptoms. Sometimes the last thing we want to do when we feel under the weather is work out. But research has proven that a moderate to intense workout for 30 minutes can significantly reduce allergy symptoms. If pollen counts are high, take your workout indoors.
Those of you who see a chiropractor or acupuncturist have a higher chance of allergy relief than those who don’t. Neti pots and saline nasal sprays are also healthier options than over-the-counter nasal sprays. My son battles seasonal allergies, and we have found the use of essential oils extremely helpful. Eating anti-inflammatory foods such as leafy green vegetables, low-sodium and low-sugar foods and maintaining your daily requirement of water is a must if you’re expecting relief of allergy symptoms.
Some allergies are so severe that medicines are required; however, you should try these remedies first. So many of us just grab over-the-counter drugs without ever giving other healthier options a try.
Happy spring friends. Here’s to your health.