Orange Garden Club Gets Awards

Linda Bradford and Gail Nixon holding their awards from the Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut. Photo by M. Lisi.

The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut recently honored the Garden Club of Orange with four awards.

Gail Nixon was given the Tribute Award for all around excellence in 2020–2021. Nixon, a longtime member of the club is a skilled floral designer and gardener who has chaired many club committees and several flower shows.

Laurian Kehoe and Pat McCorkle holding their awards from the Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut. Photo by M. Lisi.

Linda Bradford received the Lillian M. Rathburn Award for her involvement in all phases of garden club work. It is considered the highest award presented to an individual garden club member. During the pandemic year, Rathburn continued to serve as president and came up with creative ways to meet and still follow health guidelines.

Laurian Kehoe and Pat McCorkle received a certificate of merit for the quarterly newsletter that they co-chair.

The Conservation Club Certificate of Achievement was awarded to the club as a whole for its project to beautify the grounds of town hall. To celebrate its 90th Anniversary, the club purchased and planted many mountain laurel and Japanese skimmia on the grounds.
