Orange Players Seeking Playwrights

The Orange Players is seeking authors of unpublished works for its fall performance of “Acting Up!,” an evening of 10 ten-minute one-act plays.

Scripts should be sent via email to no later than June 30 and must: be no longer than 10 minutes when performed; consist of two characters or more; and be in script format. Set pieces needed for each work must be relatively small in size – pieces that can be moved by one or two people at the most. Additionally, playwrights must be at least 16 years old.

Each playwright may send up to three script submissions, which will be reviewed by the Orange Players One Act Reading Committee. Selected authors will be contacted no later than July 30.

A meet-and-greet for directors and playwrights will be scheduled during the week of Aug. 26. During that event, each author will have an opportunity to speak about their play for a few minutes. Copies of the plays will be on hand for directors to read through. All names will go into a hat and each director will pull out a selection and be assigned to that play, though they will have 20 minutes to swap their assignment with another director. Each director must agree to a swap.

Open auditions for the plays will be held for two nights on Tuesday, Sept. 3 and Wednesday, Sept. 4 at High Plains Community Center, which will also be the location for the performances and tech week. High Plains is located at 525 Orange Center Rd. in Orange.

The Orange Players will provide one copy of the script to each actor and director of the assigned plays. Playwrights may attend the auditions, but may not audition for their own works.

Technical rehearsals will be held Oct. 21 through Oct. 23, at 7 p.m., with a dress rehearsal on Thursday, Oct. 24 at the same time.

Playwrights, directors and cast will provide their own props and costuming. No special will be available. Overhead hanging microphones will be used during the performances; there will be no body mics.

The shows will take place on Friday, Oct. 25 and Saturday, Oct. 26 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Seating will be cabaret-style, and attendees will be allowed to bring their own light adult beverages and food.

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