Holy Infant Women’s Guild Hosting Installation Dinner The Holy Infant Church Women’s Guild is having their 75th Anniversary Installation Dinner on Tuesday, May 7 at 5:20...
Orange Girl Scouts Visit Fire Station Members of Orange Girl Scout Troop 60247 visited firefighters in Orange recently to get some insight into what firefighters...
Welcoming Back The Hummingbirds By Pat Dray Garden Spot I always look forward to the return of the hummingbirds, or “hummers,” in late...
Orange Physical Therapy Clinic To Celebrate Reopening Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Centers of Orange is inviting past and current patients, along with state, business and...
Rose Requests Reduction Of Plastic Use At Capitol State Rep. Kim Rose (D-Milford) sent a letter this month to House Democratic leadership and legislative management asking them...
Retirement Planning For Longer Lifespans By Eric Tashlein Your Finances You have heard the alarm sounded: your retirement funds need to last longer because...
Milford Hospital Auxiliary Hosting Easter Bunny Breakfast The Milford Hospital Auxiliary is holding its annual breakfast with the Easter Bunny on Saturday, April 13 at 9:30...
How To Clean Stained Grout By Annamarie Mastrangelo Just Floored Having tile in your home can create a beautiful overall ambiance. Tile is durable,...
Precious Blood In Milford Offers Bereavement Support Precious Blood Parish in Milford is hosting a spring bereavement support group to be held in the St. Agnes...
Have You Ever Felt The Wonder? By Michele Tenney Here’s To Your Health Recently, my oldest son got engaged to a young woman we absolutely...