Library Worker Named Milford Employee Of The Month Milford Public Library employee Deirdre Thomas was announced Feb. 21 as Milford’s employee of the month for February, according...
Church Of The Good Shepherd Welcomes New Priest The Rev. William J. Cavanaugh has recently accepted the position as Missional Priest-in-Charge at the Episcopal Church of the...
Returning To Your Roots Retired and Rejuvenated By Joanne Byrne The trees in the yard had grown so big, while the slide at...
Orange Offering Diabetes Prevention Course The Orange Community Services Department, Orange Health Department and Orange VNA are cosponsoring with Monitor My Health, a Centers...
GCC Dean From Milford Retires After 34-Year Career After a 34-year career in the state’s higher education system seeing Gateway Community College through significant growth and change,...
2019 Home Décor And Designs Just Floored By Annamarie Mastrangelo I hope everyone has entered into the year with wide eyes and open minds....
Nominations Open For United Way Awards The United Way of Milford is accepting nominations for volunteers from the community to be recognized at its 13th...
Bad To The Bone Here’s to Your Health By Michele Tenney This year I have set a goal of adding leaner muscle mass...