Friends Of Case Memorial Library Drop A Yarn Bomb The Friends of the Case Memorial Library are prepping for their 25th anniversary celebration on June 17. {{more}} To...
The Annual Milford White Elephant Tag Sale will be held on Saturday, June 3. One of the largest tag sales in the Milford area will take place on the grounds of the Plymouth...
Charter Revision Fails Due To Lack Of Voters The numbers just weren’t there. That’s the final verdict on the special referendum vote to amend the town of...
15th Annual Orange Business and Community Expo Save the date to attend the 15th Annual Orange Business and Community Expo on Wednesday, June 14, 2017, from...
Families sought for exchange student The Devon Rotary Club is looking for three families willing to host a French high school exchange student whom...
Call for Actors Eastbound Theatre, a division of the Milford Arts Council, once again partners with Westport Community Theatre for a program...
Gala Fundraiser for Beth-El Center Shelter and Soup Kitchen The Beth-El Center’s ‘Light Up the Harbor’ Spring Gala fundraiser will take place on Saturday, June 3, 2017, 6:00pm...
Choosing Joy: An Interview With Betsy Nilan, President of the Get in Touch Foundation. By Joseph Weathered For Betsy Nilan, 2016 was a year filled with tragedy and triumph. in April, Nilan suffered...
Orange Hosts Energy Seminar The Orange Chamber of Commerce is hosting an energy seminar in conjunction with United Illuminating and Southern Connecticut Gas...
Orange Chamber Is Looking for Runners, Sponsors and Volunteers The Fifth Annual Running of the Cohen and Wolf Cinco K de Mayo Road Race and Two Mile Walk...