Be Safe From Car to House What do you usually do when you get home from food shopping? No, before you put the groceries away....
Let’s Go Vertical! Stairs are probably the first thing we think of eliminating from our lives when we think about transforming our...
Gear Up From the Floor Up We are all subject to gravity and therefore are floor bound. Let’s deal with it. What can we do...
You Can Plan to Choose, But Choose to Plan Wisely I’m talking to the leading edge of the silver tsunami, boomers in their fifties and sixties.{{more}} We may not...
Path to Successful Aging Studies show that happy people are healthier people. Having a positive attitude has positive results.{{more}} Optimism, hopefulness, enthusiasm, engagement...
The Institute for the Ages It is no wonder that many companies are beginning to explore the preferences of the aging population and consider...
“Girl Time” is Important for Your Health One of the most rejuvenating things I have done recently was to enjoy a “Girl Week” with three of...
Mastering Technophobia I am sure many of you in your 60’s, 70’s and 80’s experience the same anxiety that I do...
He’s Talking About My Generation Have any of you ever felt that you are in a “survival of the fittest” contest with the younger...
Retirement Is Just Not For Everyone I am Learning It has occurred to me several times as I sit down to write this column with its overall topic...