Energize CT Student Contest Deadline Extended Energize Connecticut sponsors Eversource and AVANGRID subsidiaries United Illuminating, Southern Connecticut Gas and Connecticut Natural Gas, announced today that...
Reimagining Milford’s Citrus Restaurant By Steve Cooper Foodie Foursome You know how sometimes things are not what they seem? Cindy and I have...
Job Fair Added To Orange Artisan Fest And Vendor Fair The third annual Orange Artisan Fest & Vendor Fair is scheduled for Thursday, June 22 from 2:30 p.m. to...
Time Limited To Protect The Earth By Jennifer Ju Facing Ourselves “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will...
Fashion Show Coming To Downtown Milford The Downtown Milford Business Association will present its annual Mother’s Day Fashion Show on Sunday, May 7 at 11:45...
Chapter By Chapter By Theresa Rose DeGray Bankruptcy There are several types of bankruptcies available to individual people and business entities. Let’s...
Orange Historical Society Participating In The Great Give The Orange Historical Society is participating in The Great Give in early May to raise funds for its programs....
Milford Education Foundation To Showcase Foran Planetarium The Milford Education Foundation will be hosting their fourth Evening Under the Stars event on May 5 from 5...
The Relentless Drive Toward The Mean By Ellen Russell Beatty Ponder This In strategic planning and budgetary circles during my professional life we referred to...
Milford Cornet Band Gathered In Late 1890s On The Green By Marilyn May Milford History The Milford Cornet Band is pictured here at rest, which was, perhaps, for the...